Information for Businesses in the Oro Loma Sanitary District

Who provides commercial trash, recycling, and organics services in Oro Loma?

Oro Loma, through its vendor, Waste Management, provides trash, recycling, and organics collection services. Under a franchise agreement with the District, Waste Management has the exclusive right to provide these services to Oro Loma customers.  You can contact Waste Management at (510) 613-8710.

Mandatory Commercial Recycling

Effective January 1, 2017, businesses in Oro Loma Sanitary District that generate significant* quantities of organics and all multi-family properties with five or more units will be required to provide adequate on-site collection service for all compostable materials (organics), under Alameda County’s Mandatory Recycling Ordinance. This includes food scraps, food-soiled paper, and plant debris. Businesses must ensure these compostable materials are kept separate from garbage.

* Organics are considered significant when they meet or exceed a total of 20 gallons in a garbage bin or 10 gallons in a garbage cart. Check your garbage containers the day before collection day to determine if you exceed the threshold. Businesses and institutions that typically generate significant quantities of organics include restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries, coffee shops, food processors and senior living facilities or corporate offices with central cafeterias.

In addition to the organics collection requirements, Oro Loma businesses and multi-family properties (5+ units) must provide adequate on-site collection service for recyclable materials. Businesses must also ensure these materials are kept separate from garbage.

The law also requires property owners/managers to provide information at least annually to employees, tenants, and contractors describing how to properly use the recycling, organics and garbage containers.  Learn more at

Oro Loma provides free technical assistance to help businesses assess their recycling and organics service needs. For assistance, contact Solid Waste Program Manager Natasha Browne at 510-276-4700 or email

For more information, visit

Commercial Recycling How-To Videos

Step 1. Know the Rules (3 min)

Overview of the Mandatory Composting & Recycling law in Alameda County with a summary of the three main rules for compliance. See full page with companion materials here.

Step 2:  Set Up Indoor Bins (4 min)

Step-by-step instructions to show businesses how to set up indoor bins for well-labeled recycling and composting stations. See full page with companion materials here.

Step 3:  Sort Correctly (5 min)

Detailed instructions on what materials are (and aren’t!) accepted for composting and recycling, and how to sort properly. See full page with companion materials here.

Which types of companies can most benefit from recycling?

All companies—large, medium, and small—can benefit from recycling. A free solid waste audit will tell you which items that you now throw away can easily be recycled. To set up an appointment for your free audit, call 510-613-8710.

How will I be billed?

Your recycling charge will appear on your regular garbage bill. There will not be any additional bills to keep track of.

How will my recycling and organics be collected?

Recycling and organics collection programs can be customized to your needs. Both cart and bin service is available. State-of-the-art recycling trucks will collect your recyclable and compostable materials.

How do I get started?

To start a new recycling program, or to expand on an existing program, call (510) 613-8710. For information on mandatory recycling requirements for businesses and multi-family properties with 5 units or more, click HERE.

Is there anywhere else that I can find out about commercial recycling and organics programs?

For information about mandatory commercial recycling and organics programs in Alameda County, to obtain free materials including stickers and posters, indoor green bins, and to request assistance, visit Recycling Rules Alameda County at

For programs in Alameda County that help businesses prevent waste, including loans and grants, and for other green business resources visit

Free indoor green bins

To make separating food scraps, food-soiled paper and plant debris easier, the Alameda County Waste Management Authority is offering free green containers and lids for the indoor areas of your business or multi-family property. Up to $500 is available per approved site to choose from over 25 container and lid options, offered by 3 partner vendors. To apply, visit

Important Numbers

(510) 276-4700 Oro Loma Sanitary District Office and 24/7 Emergency Response

(510) 613-8710 Waste Management of Alameda County

(877) STOPWASTE Alameda County Recycling Hotline

(800) 606-6606 Alameda County Household Hazardous Waste

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