Davis Street Resource Recovery Complex

The Davis Street Resource Recovery Complex offers the Bay Area a safe and reliable recycling, organics processing, and residual transfer facility. Through state-of-the-art technology and nearly 300 green jobs, the complex is helping local communities reach their diversion goals. Currently the facility processes and diverts over 2 million pounds of materials per day. Thanks to innovative technology and accurate customer sorting of materials at home, at school, at the office and construction sites, more materials are recovered each day for recycling, reuse and renewal.

Visit www.dsgardencenter.com for additional information.

Important Numbers

(510) 276-4700 Oro Loma Sanitary District Office and 24/7 Emergency Response

(510) 613-8710 Waste Management of Alameda County

(877) STOPWASTE Alameda County Recycling Hotline

(800) 606-6606 Alameda County Household Hazardous Waste

Tour Our Facility

See what happens inside a Wastewater Treatment Plant and how we protect the San Francisco Bay.

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